Running Injuries and Prevention

Running Injuries and Prevention

We know that for many of our patients running is a passion. The truth is, however, so many of those same patients visit us because of injuries related to their runs. Far from telling them to stop running, our main goal is to prevent debilitating knee/foot/ankle...
Why Stretching Doesn’t Always Help

Why Stretching Doesn’t Always Help

When it comes to feeling stiff or hurt, most people assume that they need to work on moving the part of their body that feels tight. Conventional wisdom suggests that if something is tight, it needs to be stretched. This is called working on your “flexibility or...
The Pitfalls of Prolonged Rest

The Pitfalls of Prolonged Rest

Every week we hear countless patients ask us the same question: “how can I keep active even while I’m recovering from an injury?”. We completely understand: you’re fed up of resting the problem area in the hope that things will get better. Is this you? Keep reading!...
What should I do? I hurt so bad….

What should I do? I hurt so bad….

You wake up and realize that your back is not allowing you to roll over in bed again. You thought this pain would have gone away by now. You tried to rest, you tried stretching, you tried to avoid any painful postures, you’ve taken some Ibuprofen and Tylenol. If...