Let’s Talk About Your Poop

Let’s Talk About Your Poop

Looking at your poop, it’s important! When we know what our poop looks like and when we FEEL GOOD emptying our poops we generally feel better, overall!  Pelvic physical therapy is very helpful in managing constipation and leaking poop, and other conditions...

How Stress and Diet Relate to Pain

Ever been in a foreign country and tried to order off of a long, complicated, alien looking menu? Did you use hand signals to describe the dish you wanted? Did you whip out your phone and hope Google has the answers? And, in the end, did you just close your eyes and...
Your Body During And After Baby

Your Body During And After Baby

We are entering a new journey in our mom culture and it is called postpartum recovery aka recovery after baby. Why has it taken so long to get this implemented in our country and world again? We used to be set up very differently in our culture, but times have...